2 things happened today that reminded how far astray I have gone from my goal. Actually I have gotten so far off that I am reverting back to my old self. Getting fatter.
First my close friend whatsapp-ed me and asked if I still go to fitness center and keep fit. At first I thought why but I didnt really asked. Perhaps fearing the real answer and I tried to avoid knowing the real truth. I havent met my friend for close to 2 years and at that time I was slimmer than now. Its only the incident that happened the following evening that finally got me to face the hard truth.
I met with another friend that I haven't seen in a while like 3 years. During our conversation she told me that I have actually gotten fatter than before. Yeap she said I have gotten fat. It didn't hit me much at first and I said I wanted to get fat because I wanted to get enough protection from the winter cold in South Korea. Well that was also what I i wanted myself to believe to make myself feel better. But after thinking about it I need to admit the truth ( took 2 cups of mocha frap at coffee bean so feeling hyper now). The truth is I have gotten myself........ FAT!
That's it! I need to do something about it. Else I am definitely going to continue to become fatter until I become and old fat geezer! Here's my plan. Or plans.
Plan A. Do 4 months of Starting Strength. If I still feel pain around my left hip area, I will jump to plan B. Once I have finished plan A. Do plan B :)
Plan B. Time to lose the fat. Cardio, tabata, bb complex, strict diet, freelectic. Any god damn thing to reduce my body fat and get freaking ripped! I aim is to look good and fit. Not become fat god dammit!
For Plan A I plan to start doing it next week depending how fast I recover from my hip injury. That's somewhere around 26th April. May June July August. My aim is to get 10 to 15% body fat by 31Dec2014. I will have a plan ready to execute this. Just like last time. A map to achieve my goal! No more empty talk. Talk the talk walk the walk! This is it! Show time!