Occasionally, i get insensitive text from people directed at me that just makes my blood boil (also thx to social media stuff like whatsapp/fb) ! I have been getting that recently alot, especially from a guy at work. Not sure whats up with him but he keeps disrespecting me with insulting words directed at me.
Usually the old me would just respond by scolding back at him in an act of anger. Once i've cooled down, i'd usually regret my action. Whatever emotional response that came out of me would have only empowered him or whoever it is that tries to hurt me (learned this from Steven Covey's excellent 7th habits of highly successful people).
I do know the saying "sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me". Ofcourse it's easier said than done.
But there is one sentence that stuck in my mind, that someone told me sometime back. She said "If some filthy street dog barks at you, would you bark back at the dog?" Of course the answer is NO! I just treat these people that try to hurt me like dogs! Not sure why it works but when I think of them as some rude dogs, I find it funny and eventually my anger would subside. Why should I stoop down to their level, when I am better than them!
Thanks to the girl who taught me this, I can now better handle this kinda situation ! :)