Reading Anthony Robbins' Awaken the Giant Within. Here are some terminology in the book which I find interesting and may wish to refer back in the future:-
CANI - Consistent and Never Ending Improvement
"The Japanese have a single word for "constant and never-ending improvement" and it's called Kaizen. Kaizen is from the Japanese words Kai and Zen where "kai" means change and "zen" means good. Yes folks, change is good"
Benefits of CANI include:
- Creates a personal and business momentum that will be hard for your competitors to catch up with.
- Personal satisfaction and fulfillment because it will cause you to grow personally.
- Leads to innovation. Innovation creates leverage.
Article Source:
NAC-Neuro Associative Conditioning
-a technique for greater personal effectiveness. In short, he instructs readers to associate pain with not taking the action that we know we should take, and associate pleasure with taking action.
Commit to have more pleasure in life and alot less pain.
One of the ways that's kept you from using that is using language that intensifies emotion
Get leverage on yourself . Eg use the following 4 new words to replace old ones:
Bored/Sien to "Need to do more"
Fxxx to "Annoying"
Shit to "Oh my goodness"
If only I had / 'zhong zi' to "No worry. I'll do it different;y next time"
RAS - Reticular Activating System
determines what you will notice and what you will pay attention to. To focus and do things that will help to achieve your goal and vision.
"The RAS introduced by Robbins is part of the subconscious mind. It’s a filter, applied to all the enormous data picked up by our senses every moment of our lives. It’s the reason we’re not overwhelmed by sensory perceptions. It’s how we can tune things out.
The Reticular Activation System is always at work, deciding what we see and what we don’t see. And we can control it, to an extent. The RAS reveals to us what we want to see, and veils that which we aren’t interested in. If I enter a room full of things, my attention will be pulled toward whatever is most interesting to me there: a tray of food if I’m hungry; a magazine featuring an article about something I’ve been contemplating; my girlfriend’s face. If you follow me into the room, your attention is liable to fall upon something else entirely. Our raw senses pick up the same data about the same objects, but somehow our focus wanders differently. That’s the RAS in action.
As you expand your interests and turn your eyes toward new things in your world, your RAS opens up and lets more things get through. By learning about new things and being fascinated in new things, you strengthen your conscious mind so that it can handle “more hits” from the RAS. Your consciousness expands to soak up more of your world, and through your eyes, it’s as though the world itself is enriched and enhanced."