Monday, March 19, 2012

the Story of the Stonecutter

I was reading Anthony Robbins' book earlier and it was on the Changing Metaphor topic. His story of the stone cutter caught my interest:-

A Stonecutter would pick up a rock, and with a hammer and sharp object and start hammering the rock in the EXACT SAME position each time (read focus).

Chink. Chink. Chink. No result.

Chink. Chink. Chink and on and on. No result.

The Stonecutter would sit there, often for hours with no VISIBLE result.

Then all of a sudden... the 108th hammer into the rock.. and CRACK!! The stone splits perfectly in half.

This is a great metaphor for life, and particularly your business. Keep Chinking away at that rock, keep the momentum. Even without any visible positive sign. Don't stop. Stay consistent

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