Saturday, May 19, 2018

My mistakes that led to losses in stock investment

1. listen to friend's buy call. too easily influenced by what friends told me, asking me to buy this and that.
2. reading forums and other people's opnions.
3. buying into over-hyped stocks
4. averaging down stocks.
5. believed that I was right and didnt want to admit my mistakes. too-overconfident from earlier winning trades.
6. buying bad fundamental stocks. After i attended courses, understood what ratios to see...noticed most of the stocks i bought had red flags when I checked their fundamentals
7.not knowing when and how to cut loss.

-- all the above due to greed -from quick money i turn into long term investor-, didnt do research. --

On the positive side, all the above has made me a more humble stock investor. long term i believe i will be hugely successful as an investor. Never give up!

Monday, April 9, 2018

12 basic Principles to Be Rich (feat Li Ka Shing)